Official StartXchange Blog

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Subscribing to Rss

There was a comment posted to my last entry about how to setup rss, and so here is my brief tutorial. It is very easy, but if you've never done it before it can be confusing.

1) You need some kind of Rss Reader. I use Rss Reader. Simply download it, and install it.

2) You need some feeds. This can be the hardest part, but once you identify the common icons used then its a breeze. If you look on this blog at the top right, there is an icon with the number of readers - right click that and select copy shortcut.

3) Add the feed to your reader. With RssReader you just click the +Add icon.

Some feeds are harder to find then others. Sometimes there will just be a link that says "RSS" in it, sometimes there will be that bright orange RSS icon, and sometimes there won't be a link at all.