Official StartXchange Blog

Monday, October 31, 2005

New Activity Rankings in Place

The new activity rankings are in place. There are now 4 categories that you can earn activity points in. There is also a new position page which will show you the individual category rankings for those above and below you. Please note that you need to surf to re-gain your proper ranking, as the ranking is updated every time you view a page.

The new categories:

Surfing - 10 pts per view
Refering - 200 pts per referal, 2000 cap per week
Purchasing - 100 pts per dollar
Email (reading newsletter) - 500 pts per email, 1500 cap per week

You can only get credit for reading the most recent newsletter, and only once. The caps are in place hopefully to prevent abuse, however if I find users signing up accounts themselves I may have to turn off activity ranking for them altogether.