Official StartXchange Blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

New Surfbar Icons

There are now new holiday icons in the surfbar. I'm sorry, but I've been listening to Christmas music since October 1st, and so if your one of those "not till after thanksgiving" people, you'll just have to put up with the icons =P

Also, I am going to make the site automatically create cookies when you login so you are logged into the forum at the same time. I'm not sure if I'll be able to, but I'm going to try to make it so if you click any login / logout links on the forum, they use the login / logout functions on the main site which will log you in and out at the same time.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Quick Update

- You can now Private Message the owner of the site you are viewing. Simply select the PM [username] option from the Quick Links drop down.

- I've removed the bid center (after refunding any bids) it just didn't go over well, and I'm trying to make the members area simpler and easier to use.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

StartXchange Updates

I've made a bunch of updates to various parts of StartXchange. I'll try and go over them all here, but don't count on it (Im forgetful)

- Forum accounts are created when a new member activates their account
- The surfbar tells you how many unread PMs you have
- The mini surfbar's quick links work in firefox
- The activity position page should be accurate (it wasn't sorting properly)
- There are new banners on the promote page (getting ready for Referral Madness (huh? shh))
- I'm now tracking the main page, directory, and signup page. I'll soon be tracking the new doorway pages that will be for Referral Madness (coming soon). I'll be able to see which pages are bringing the most conversion exchange wide (maybe I'll post the stats in the forum or somethin).

Thanks for being a member - if you want, send me a PM in the forum! My username is xxclixxx!

Friday, November 04, 2005

New StartXchange Forum

There is a new StartXchange Forum, and you'll recieve activity points for posting too! The forum is integrated into StartXchange, so you'll use the same username and password. I hope in the near future to have it so you don't even have to login again when visiting the forum, and making it automatically update your password when you change it from within StartXchange.

Currently all member accounts have been added to the forum, but after some time I will purge any inactive accounts from it. This way it will be easier to manage. However if your account is inactive, then your post count will not be added into your activity.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Referal Link Changes

There have been a few changes in the referal link setup. The first change is you'll notice your referal page will redirect to the page itself, without the ?referer= information, and second you'll notice the page displays the "Refered By:". Also, the referer cookie will stay saved for a total of 90 days.